All EWIKON hot runner systems can be supplied as complete hot halves. These hot runner-side mould halves only need to be completed with the contour plate and can be used immediately with virtually no set-up work. This minimises project run times and simplifies the commissioning of the hot runner system. In addition, EWIKON's pro MATRIX series offers a solution for high-cavity mould concepts that is available at particularly favourable conditions due to its high level of standardisation.

More information:

 Brochure pro MATRIX

Your advantages when using EWIKON hot halves


Mould half with already integrated hot runner system


Easy start-up


Delivered as thermally and electrically tested system with detailed documentation


Practically no on-site adjustments required, thus speeding up of mould projects


3-year warranty if used with EWIKON hot runner controllers and EWIKON connecting components

pro MATRIX - Standardised hot halves

The product line can be configured in 16-, 24-, 32- or 64-drop versions and relies on proven technical components for maximum process reliability and durability.For demanding applications, further customisation to meet specific requirements is possible with additional technology options:


Valve gate gating with individual drives or as synchronous plate system


Nozzle front mounting option for easier maintenance


Additional manifold options for faster colour changes and sensitive materials

Option for hot halves: Leakage detection

EWIKON hot halves can be equipped with an optional leakage detection system. An optical transmitter and a receiver generate a light barrier in a perforated tube guided through the hot half. If melt leaking into the tube interrupts the light barrier, an optical or accoustic alarm is set off. This option is not available for hot halves of the pro MATRIX series.